Metal Recycling at our Scrap Yard on the Sunshine Coast

Scrap Escalator—Scrap Metal Recycling in Sunshine Coast QLD

Domestic & Commercial Recycling

With over 40 years of combined experience, H&H Metal Recycling is the most trusted scrap yard on the Sunshine Coast. We provide our scrap metal recycling services to domestic and commercial customers across the Sunshine Coast and Queensland, including Maroochydore, Caloundra, Kawana Waters, Landsborough, Coolum and Noosa.

Drop off your scrap at our yard in Kunda Park and our dedicated team will be sure to help you with your load. Alternatively, contact us today to discuss our pick-up service. We have multiple trucks and a dedicated scrap metal removal team to collect scrap from the Sunshine Coast and beyond.

If you are looking for an honest and reliable Sunshine Coast scrap metal recycling company, do not hesitate to contact our friendly team! Call 0407 594 457.

Best Prices on the Coast

Our Sunshine Coast scrap metal recycling yard is conveniently located in Kunda Park. Our yard is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and machinery to efficiently process all types of scrap metal. When you visit our yard, our friendly team will unload and weigh your scrap metal for you.

We are always honest about your scrap’s worth and are proud to pay the best price on the coast. Drop off your scrap and leave with payment by cash or bank transfer. How easy is that!

Shiny Metal — Scrap Metal Recycling in Sunshine Coast, QLD

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a particularly large load of scrap metal that you can’t transport yourself, we are proud to offer pick-up services. We collect from a range of areas, including the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane’s northern suburbs and even other areas of Queensland if needed.

To get a free quote from us and take advantage of our scrap metal services, send us an enquiry via the website. Simply fill in your details and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.